New Work: Athletic Mascot for the College of Wooster


Slagle Design had the privilege of working with The College of Wooster to design their new mascot, Archie, the Fighting Scottie.

Their most recent mascot, a fighting Scotsman with a sword, was coming under some scrutiny. Students and faculty were concerned about the use of weaponry and pushed for a more inclusive, gender-neutral mascot that could be embraced more widely. Other issues plagued the old mascot. It was dated, overly detailed, and difficult to reproduce.

In response, The college reached back to its rich history to rediscover its original, traditional mascot, a Fighting Scottie.

Determined, fierce, kind, hardworking, intelligent, inclusive—These are just a few of the words Wooster students use to describe what it means to be Fighting Scots.

Because no single human can attempt to represent all the diverse identities of our thriving Wooster community, The College of Wooster on March 30, 2023, introduced an updated mascot that reflects the inclusive community we aim to create while also paying homage to our storied history and heritage.

The Scottie dog has served as a source of pride for generations of Fighting Scots beginning with our earliest days of existence and will be sure to do the same for generations to come.

The updated mascot reflects the collaborative efforts of students, staff and alumni, who generated ideas, gave of their time to help with the research efforts, design, launch events, and provided input along the way.

New Scottie dog costumes arrive on campus this summer in time to recruit and train a new roster of student mascot performers who will work to entertain crowds at home games, admissions and alumni events, and engagements across the local community. The costumes will include MacLeod plaid kerchiefs and matching kilts, along with a black belt and sporran, which is a traditional part of the Pipe Band’s uniform.

A history of Scottie dogs at Wooster

The earliest uses of a Scottie dog as a mascot at The College of Wooster reach as far back as the early 20th century. The term Scots has been used for nearly 100 years with the football team adopting the moniker in 1926, followed by the rest of the athletics teams in 1931.

Content from press release by the College of Wooster on the announcement of the new mascot